Parenting Fundamentals Bibliography

Peer Review Publications:

Results from an Intervention to Strengthen Parenting Practices

Sánchez Cesáreo, M; Sánchez Cardona, I; Beyer, M; González Jimenez, C; and Bensinger, K. Factores asociados al abuso de menores: Resultados de una intervención para el fortalecimiento de prácticas de crianza. Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología (29), January-June 2018.

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M., Acosta-Perez, E., Adams, M. & Bensinger, K. (2011).  Evaluation of the Parenting Education Program: Promoting Positive Parenting Among Urban Parents. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación Vol 26.

Peer Review Publications in Development:

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M., Sánchez Cardona I., Beyer, M., Adams, M. & Bensinger, K. Development and Psychometric Properties of the Parent and Academic Questionnaire.

Unpublished Manuscript:

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. A., Perez, E. A., Adams, M., Navarro, E., & Bensinger, K., & Colón-Jordan, H. From the bottom up: Community-based effectiveness study of the Parenting Education Program.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M., Morales-Cruz, J., Beyer, M., Ortíz-Sánchez, E., Acosta-Pérez, E., Vega-Torres, S. & Cruz-Ayala, N. Community-Inclusive Framework for the Program Development: An Innovative Approach.

Technical Reports:

Rimkus, L. M., (February 2019). Parenting Fundamentals Annual Evaluation Report 2017-2018. Prepared for Metropolitan Family Services.  Chicago, Illinois.

Rimkus, L. M., Rompala, V., Bensinger, K; Sánchez Cesáreo, M. & Sánchez Cardona, I. (June 2017). Parenting Fundamentals Annual Evaluation Report 2016-2017. Prepared for Metropolitan Family Services.  Chicago, Illinois.

Acosta Perez, E., Vega, S. & Cruz N. (April 2017). Puerto Rico Abstinence Education Program: Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report FY 07: October 2016-February 2017. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Acosta Perez, E., Vega, S. & Cruz N. (November 2016). Puerto Rico Abstinence Education Program: Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report FY06: October 2015- September 2016. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Acosta Perez, E., Vega, S., Sánchez-Cesáreo & Colón-Jordan, H. (October 2015). Puerto Rico Abstinence Education Program: Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report FY05: October 2014- September 2015. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.


Acosta Perez, E., & Vega, S.  (October  2015). Informe de Evaluacion: Implementacion del Programa Fundamentos de CRIANZA, 2014-2015.  Preparado para la Oficina Para el Desarrollo Humano. 

Acosta Perez, E., & Vega, S. (August 2015). Puerto Rico Education in Abstinence Program: 3-year Follow up Results Progress Report. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Beyer, M., Marrero, G., Sánchez Cesáreo, M. & Sánchez Cardona, I. (December 2016). Parenting Fundamentals Annual Evaluation Report 2015-2016. Prepared for Metropolitan Family Services.  Chicago, Illinois.

Beyer, M., & Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (September 2015). Parenting Fundamentals Annual Evaluation Report 2014-2015. Prepared for Metropolitan Family Services.  Chicago, Illinois.

Beyer, M. & Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. (June 2015).  Parenting Fundamentals 4-7 Pilot, Spring 2015.  Prepared for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Acosta Perez, E., & Vega, S.  (October 2014). Informe de Evaluacion: Implementacion del Programa Fundamentos de CRIANZA, 2013-2014.  Preparado para la Oficina Para el Desarrollo Humano. 

Acosta Perez, E., Vega, S., Sánchez Cesáreo, M., & Colón Jordán, H. (September 2014). Puerto Rico Education in Abstinence Program Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report FY 04: October 2013-September 2014. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Adams, M., Beyer, M. & Acosta Perez, E. (August 2014). Parenting Fundamentals Education Evaluation Report 2013-2014. Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Niles Township Fall 2012, Spring 2013 Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.


Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Pulasky International School Winter & Spring 2013 Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Namaster Charters School Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Carl Van Linné Evaluation Report Spring 2013.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. Voell, M. & Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Education Sub-Study Report 2012-2013.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamental Palmer Elementary School Fall 2012, Spring 2013 Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals UNA Charters School Winter 2013 Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M. & Beyer M. (November 2013). Parenting Fundamentals Evaluation Report Summer 2012-Spring 2013.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.


Adams, M. Voell, M. & Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. (September 2013). Parenting Fundamentals 0-3 Training Summary Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Acosta Perez, E., Adams, M., Sánchez Cesáreo, M., Alameda, A., Vega, S. & Colón Jordán, H. (September 2012). Puerto Rico Education in Abstinence Program: Implementation Results Progress Report FY 02. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Acosta Perez, E., Vega, S., Quintana, M., Adams, M., Sánchez Cesáreo, M., & Colón Jordán, H. (October 2013). Puerto Rico Education in Abstinence Program Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report FY 03: April-October 2013. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Adams, M. & Voell, M. (September 2012). Parenting Fundamentals Evaluation Report.  Developed for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Acosta Perez, E., Adams, M., Sánchez Cesáreo, M., Alameda, A., Vega, S. & Colón Jordán, H.  (2011). Puerto Rico Education in Abstinence Program: Implementation Results Progress Report FY01. Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health. Puerto Rico Department of Public Health.

Adams, M (Fall 2011). Parenting Fundamentals Brief Evaluation Report Learn & Nameste Charter Schools.  Prepared for Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M., Mills A. and Sánchez Cesáreo, M. Pilot Dissemination of the 0-3 Parenting Education Program (PEP): Lessons Learned about the Training Model & Curriculum. (January 2011). Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Adams, M; Sanchez-Cesareo, M and Acosta-Perez, E. (April 2010). An evidence-based parenting education program for the community: Results from an effectiveness study. Report prepared for the Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M., Adams, M. and Acosta-Perez, E. (November 2008).  Four Years Summary of the evaluation of the Parenting Education Program: Promoting Positive Parenting Among Urban Parents.  Report prepared for the Community Counseling Centers of Chicago.

Peer Review Presentations:

Acosta-Pérez, E. (Abril 2017). Proyecto de Educación en Abstinencia en Puerto Rico: Selección, Adaptación, Implementación y Expansión de Programas Basados en Evidencia. 37th Annual Research & Education Forum: Promoting Health Through Individual and Social Means, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M; Acosta Perez, E; Sánchez Cardona, I. & Bensinger, K. (July 2017).  Ciencia de Implementación: Desarrollo, Efictividad y “Scale-Up” del programa preventivo Fundamentos de la Crianza en Puerto Rico y Chicago. XXXVI Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Merida, Mexico.

Bensinger, K., & Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (Mayo 2016).  Fundamentos de la Crianza: Programa Preventivo Basado en la Evidencia. Presentación Oral:  VII Convención Intercontinental de Psicología, HOMINIS 2016.  Habana, Cuba.

Ortiz Sánchez, E., & Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (October 2016).  An emergent community-inclusive framework for the development of innovative parenting interventions for Spanish-speaking Latinos in Puerto Rico: The DCS model.  Oral Presentation: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo.  Denver, Colorado.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (November 2016).  Implementation Science: Development, Effectiveness and Scale-up of the Parenting Fundamentals prevention program. Plenary Session: 2016 Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology of the Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations (CANPA). Petion Ville, Haiti.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (July 2016).  Implementation Science: Development, Effectiveness and Scale-up of the Parenting Fundamentals prevention program. Poster: International Congress of Psychology. Yokahama, Japan.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M. (Mayo 2016).  Ciencia de Implementación: Desarrollo, Efectividad y “Scale-Up”  del programa preventivo Fundamentos de la Crianza. Pesentacion Oral:  VII Convención Intercontinental de Psicología, HOMINIS 2016.  Habana, Cuba.

Beyer, M. , Adams, M., & Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. (2015). Development and Pilot of the Parenting & Academics Questionnaire (PAQ).  Poster: American Evaluation Association (AEA) Evaluation, Chicago, IL.

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M., Acosta-Perez, E., Adams, M. & Bensinger, K. (2011)  Evaluation of the Parenting Education Program: Promoting Positive Parenting Among Urban Parents. Cuaderno de Investigacion en la Educacion).

Sánchez-Cesáreo, M; Acosta-Pérez, E; Adams, M;  Navarro, E; & Bensinger, K.  (April 2010)From the Bottom Up: Effectiveness Study of the Parenting Education Program.  XXX Foro Anual de Investigación y Educación Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M., Acosta Pérez, E., Adams, M., Navarro, E. Garcia, M., and Bensinger, K.  (June 2009). Prevención del Maltrato de Menores: Entendiendo el Impacto del Programa de Educación para Padres/Madres (PEP). XXXII Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Cuidad Guatemala, Guatemala.

Sánchez Cesáreo, M., Acosta Pérez, E., Adams, M., Navarro, E. Garcia, M., and Bensinger, K. (June 2009)From the Bottom Up: Effectiveness Study of the Parent Education Program.  Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Navarro, E., Adams, M., Acosta-Pérez, E., Sánchez-Cesáreo, M. & Bensinger. K.  (April 2009). Evaluating Parenting Satisfaction with a Parenting Education Program. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois.